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Project C: Revised

This is the final poster to match our(my team) branding decisions that were adjusted for the campaign.

Project C: Health & Food GYEM Campaing


For this project, the client was GYEM and we had to produce a campaign name, posters, announcements and a video. Each of us decided of what quarter of the campaign they would be in, and whoever chose the same quarter gets to be in the same team. The quarter I have chosen is “How food affects us + people + environment + the Future”. Our audience was the youth, so we had to do our best to match a style that would reach and represent the youth in a manner. I have had 4 other team members, and we were collaborating throughout the project.

Campaign name
Say Haih! (Say yes in English)

Say Haih to Youth Power

Youth can make a change and have the power to do so by making better decisions for a better future.

Task assigned

So I have picked to do an info graphics poster about this topic. I have gone through trials and errors during this short time, 3 weeks I believe. Below is my final outcome.

Final Poster (Explained at the end of the post)

This is a very long post, so if you would like to view the rest, please click “Read More”

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